
Since 2015 postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Journalism and Communication research at Hanover University of Music, Drama & Media

2015 Dissertation (Dr. rer. soc.): Risiken und Nutzen der Kommunikation auf Social Networking Sites: Theoretische Modellierung und empirische Befunde auf Basis der „Theory of Reasoned Action“ [Risks and benefits of communication on social networking sites: Theoretical modeling and empirical findings applying the „Theory of Reasoned Action“]

2011-2015 Lecturess a the University of Erfurt

2009-2015 research assistend at the Department of Communication research and Empirical Social Research as well as the Research Center for at University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart)

2009 Master of Arts at the Department of Journalism and Communication research at Hanover University of Music, Drama & Media

2008 Bachelor of Arts at the Department of Journalism and Communication research at Hanover University of Music, Drama & Media

2004 Media Designer for Digital and Print media (IHK Rhein-Neckar)

2000  Abitur at Gymnasium Petershagen